Horizontal Bar Chart

In the example below, we are creating a horizontal bar chart to represent Migrated Computers by Location. The chart filters […]

Value Chart from Report

In the example below, we are creating a value chart from a report to represent Software Costs by Region. From […]

Sum Chart from Report

In the example below, we are creating a sum chart from a report to represent Computers by Region. From the […]

Limit Results to Show

The Limit Results to Show setting is used to limit the number of results to show on a chart. In […]

Show Zero Values

The Show Zero Values setting is used to enable or disable the displaying of data points with no value set. […]

Secondary Filter

Secondary filters are used to combine multiple filter options into a single chart. In the example below, we are creating […]

Simple Area Chart

In the example below, we are creating a simple area chart to represent Migrated Computers by Business Unit. The chart […]

Simple Bar Chart

In the example below, we are creating a simple bar chart to represent Migrated Computers by Location. The chart filters […]

Simple Pie Chart

In the example below, we are creating a simple pie chart to represent Applications by Category. From the Charts tab, […]

Chart Examples

The following sections detail the configuration settings for several chart examples. Chart Examples Example Description Simple Pie Chart Basic pie […]