Simple Pie Chart

In the example below, we are creating a simple pie chart to represent Applications by Category. From the Charts tab, […]

Chart Examples

The following sections detail the configuration settings for several chart examples. Chart Examples Example Description Simple Pie Chart Basic pie […]

Delete Color

From the Chart Colors tab, you can delete colors. To delete: Select a color (row) to delete Click the Delete Color […]

New Color

From the Chart Colors tab, you can create colors. To create: Click the New Color button to bring up the […]

Chart Colors

The Chart Colors tab provides the ability to manage chart colors. Available operations: Create new chart colors by clicking on […]

Chart Positioning

The position of a chart is displayed on the right side of the View Chart wizard. Use the Chart Position […]

Chart Data

The Chart Data tab provides the ability to view and update the data columns of charts. Available operations: View and update […]

Chart Properties

The Chart Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of charts. Available operations: View and update the […]

View Chart

The View Chart wizard provides the ability to view the properties of a chart and is accessed by clicking the […]

Delete Chart

From the Charts tab, you can delete charts. To delete: Select a chart (row) to delete Click the Delete Chart button […]