Reset Job

From the Inbound Jobs, Outbound Jobs and Connection Jobs tabs, you can reset jobs. To reset: Select one or more jobs […]

Run Inbound Job

From the Inbound Jobs and Connection Jobs tabs, you can run inbound jobs. To run: Select an inbound job (row) […]

Delete Job

From the Inbound Jobs and Outbound Jobs tabs, you can delete jobs. To delete: Select a job (row) to delete […]

Make Into Connector

From the Connection Properties tab, you can make connections (as configured) into a new connector. To make into a connector: […]

Edit Inbound Job

From the Inbound Jobs tab, you can edit inbound jobs. To edit: Select an inbound job (row) to edit Click […]

New Inbound Job

From the Inbound Jobs tab, you can create new inbound jobs. To create: Click the New Inbound Job button to bring […]

Delete Connection

From the Connection Properties tab, you can delete connections. To delete: Click the Delete Connection button The delete button is […]

View Connection

This View Connection page is accessed when you view the properties of a connection by clicking the hyperlink of the […]

Inbound Jobs

The Inbound Jobs tab provides the ability to manage inbound connection jobs. Available operations: Create new inbound jobs by clicking on […]

Connection Properties

The Connection Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of connections. Available operations: View the properties of […]