Additional Tabs

Additional tabs can be created to display custom reports in the portal (e.g. Brazil Computadores shown below).

Portal URL Settings

From the Portal Users page, you can select portal features to enable in the Portal URL. To select portal features: […]

Welcome Email

ReadyWorks can be configured to send a welcome email when users are provisioned portal access. Typically, this information is shared […]

Email Project Team

The Email Project Team section allows a user to email the project team using a prepopulated template if configured. An […]


The Scheduling tab allows a user to schedule, reschedule or cancel their appointment date if configured. ReadyWorks can also be configured […]


The Applications tab displays a portal user’s linked applications and can allow for the user to add or remove application […]


The Computers tab displays a portal user’s linked computers, and can allow for the user to change their primary computer […]

User Information

The User Information tab displays a portal user’s properties (e.g. Name, Title, Location, etc.), and can allow for the user […]


The Welcome tab displays a welcome message to portal users.


The Self Service portal provides a way for project users a way to consume ReadyWorks data in conjunction with your […]