Pause Task

From the Tasks tab, you can pause tasks. To pause: Select a task (row) to pause Click the Pause Task […]

Assign Task

From the Tasks tab, you can assign tasks. To assign: Select a task (row) to assign Click the Assign Task […]

Cancel Task

From the Tasks tab, you can cancel tasks. To cancel: Select a task (row) to cancel Click the Cancel Task […]

Assigned Tasks

The Assigned Tasks tab is located on the View User page and is accessed by clicking the hyperlink of the […]


Overview The Tasks tab provides the ability to manage asset tasks. Available operations: View tasks linked to the asset Columns […]

Delete Task

From the Tasks tab, you can delete tasks. To delete: Select one or more tasks (rows) to delete Click the […]

Fail Task

From the Tasks tab, you can fail tasks. To fail: Select a task (row) to fail Click the Fail Task […]

Complete Task

From the Tasks tab, you can complete tasks. To complete: Select a task (row) to complete Click the Complete Task […]

Start Task

From the Tasks tab, you can start tasks. To start: Select a task (row) to start Click the Start Task […]

New Task

From the Tasks tab, you can create tasks. To create: Click the New Task button to bring up the New […]