Test T-Comm Template

From the T-Comm Templates page, you can test T-Comm templates. To test: Select a T-Comm template (row) to test Click […]


The Orchestration tab provides the ability to view and update the orchestration properties of the wave.   Available operations: View the […]

Delete Wave Type

From the Wave Types tab, you can delete wave types. To delete: Select a wave type (row) to delete Click […]

Edit Wave Type

From the Wave Types tab, you can edit wave types. To edit: Select a wave type (row) to edit Click […]

New Wave Type

From the Wave Types tab, you can create wave types. To create: Click the New Wave Type button to bring […]

Wave Types

The Wave Types tab provides the ability to create types to assign to your migration waves. Available operations: Create new […]

Self Service

The Self Service tab provides a mechanism to add self service schedule days in bulk to waves. Add Self Service […]

Pause Task

From the Tasks tab, you can pause tasks. To pause: Select a task (row) to pause Click the Pause Task […]

Asset Links

The Asset Links tab provides a mechanism to link assets in bulk to waves. Import Asset Links From the Assets […]


The Workflow Import page provides a mechanism to create or update waves and tasks and link assets to waves in bulk. […]