
From the Altiris Asset dashboard, you can drilldown into your Altiris assets by clicking on any of the widgets to […]

Altiris Asset Dashboard

The Altiris Asset dashboard provides real-time high-level visibility into your Altiris data. The following sections detail the functionality of the […]


TheĀ Settings menu provides the ability to manage your SCCM Asset dashboard. Available operations: Refresh the data on all dashboard charts […]


From the SCCM Asset dashboard, you can view your SCCM data represented on charts. You can drilldown into a chart […]

SCCM Widgets

From the SCCM Asset dashboard, you can view information related to the health of your SCCM environment on the SCCM […]


From the SCCM Asset dashboard, you can drilldown into your SCCM assets by clinking on any of the widgets to […]

SCCM Asset Dashboard

The SCCM Asset dashboard provides real-time high-level visibility into your SCCM data. The following sections detail the functionality of the […]


TheĀ Settings menu provides the ability to manage your Project and Predefined dashboards. Available operations: Refresh the data on all dashboard […]


ReadyWorks dashboard Charts provide a view into your project data. You can drilldown into a chart by clicking on the […]

Asset Widgets

From the Project or a Predefined dashboard page, you can drilldown into your project assets to see additional details. To […]