Copy List

From the Lists page, you can copy list items. To copy: Select an list item (row) to copy Click the […]

Bulk Edit (Legacy)

NOTE:  The legacy bulk editor was deprecated in version 7.6.0110. From the Lists page, you can edit the properties of […]


The Images tab provides the ability to upload asset images. Available operations: View images uploaded to the list item Properties […]

Bulk Edit

From the Lists page, you can edit the properties of list items in bulk. To edit: Click the Bulk Edit […]

Delete List

From the List tab, you can delete list items. To delete: Select one or more list items (rows) to delete […]

Edit List

From the Lists page, you can edit the properties of the list item. To edit: Select a list item (row) […]

New List

From the Lists tab, you can create list items. To create: Click the New List button to bring up the […]

Lists & Status Lists

The Lists page provides the ability to manage lists. Location list items are shown in the example below. Available operations: […]