Activate New Connection

From the Connector Library tab, you can activate connections. To activate: Select a connector Click the Activate New Connection button […]

New Action Button

From the Action Buttons page, you can create action buttons. To create: Click the New Action Button button to bring up the New […]

New Mapping

From the Data Mapping page, you can create mappings. To create: Click the New Mapping button to bring up the […]

New Asset Rule

From the Asset Rules page, you can create new asset rules. To create: Click the New Asset Rule button to bring […]

New Wave Type

From the Wave Types tab, you can create wave types. To create: Click the New Wave Type button to bring […]

New Dashboard

From the Dashboards tab, you can create dashboards. To create: Click the New Dashboard button to bring up the New […]

New Task Priority

From the Task Priority tab, you can create task priorities. To create: Click the New Task Priority button to bring […]

New Task Chain Template

From the Task Chain Templates page, you can create task chain templates. To create: Click the New Task Chain Template […]

New T-Comm Template

From the T-Comm Templates page, you can create T-Comm templates. To create: Click the New T-Comm Template button to bring […]

New Action Template

From the Action Templates page, you can create action templates. To create: Click the New Action Template button to bring […]