Delete Outbound Job Template

From the Outbound Job Templates tab, you can delete outbound job templates. To delete: Select a job template (row) to […]

New Outbound Job Template

From the Outbound Job Templates tab, you can create outbound job templates. To create: Click the New Outbound Job Template […]

Outbound Job Templates

The Outbound Job Templates tab provides the ability to manage outbound job templates. Available operations: Create new outbound job templates […]

Edit Outbound Job Field

From the Outbound Job Fields tab, you can edit outbound job fields. To edit: Select a job field (row) to […]

Outbound Job Fields

The Outbound Job Fields tab provides the ability to manage outbound job fields. Available operations: View outbound job fields associated […]

Delete Inbound Job Template

From the Inbound Job Templates tab, you can delete inbound job templates. To delete: Select a job template (row) to […]

New Inbound Job Template

From the Inbound Job Templates tab, you can create inbound job templates. To create: Click the New Inbound Job Template […]

Inbound Job Templates

The Inbound Job Templates tab provides the ability to manage inbound job templates. Available operations: Create new inbound job templates […]

Edit Inbound Job Field

From the Inbound Job Fields tab, you can edit inbound job fields. To edit: Select a job field (row) to […]

Inbound Job Fields

The Inbound Job Fields tab provides the ability to manage inbound job fields. Available operations: View inbound job fields associated […]