Copy List

From the Lists page, you can copy list items. To copy: Select an list item (row) to copy Click the […]

Copy Asset

From the Assets page, you can copy assets. To copy: Select an asset (row) to copy Click the Copy AssetĀ button […]

Copy Connector

From the Connector Library Management tab, you can copy connectors. To copy: Select a connector (row) to copy Click the […]

Copy Form

From the Form Builder page, you can copy forms. To copy: Select a form (row) to copy Click the Copy […]

Copy Task Chain Template

From the Task Chain Templates page, you can copy task chain templates. To copy: Select a task chain template (row) […]

Copy T-Comm Template

From the T-Comm Templates page, you can copy T-Comm templates. To copy: Select a T-Comm template (row) to copy Click […]

Copy Action Template

From the Action Templates page, you can copy action templates. To copy: Select an action template (row) to copy Click […]

Copy Asset Type

From the Asset Types page, you can copy asset types. To copy: Select an asset type (row) to copy Click […]