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Copy Asset Type

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From the Asset Types page, you can copy asset types. To copy:

  1. Select an asset type (row) to copy
  2. Click the Copy Asset Type button on the toolbar

    1. The copy button is grayed out unless an asset type (row) is selected

    2. The copy function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  3. Enter the properties of the copied asset type in the Create Asset Type from Asset Type dialog

    1. Name – Name of the asset type (required)
    2. Function – Choose the asset type function (asset or list) (required)
    3. Menu Order – Select the position of the asset type on the navigation menu
    4. Menu Show – Choose if the asset type will display or be hidden on the navigation menu
    5. Parent – The parent of the copied asset type will be configured on the copy
    6. Asset Type Group – Select the asset type group (menu grouping) to assign the asset type to
  4. Click the Create button when finished to create the asset type. You will be directed back to the Asset Types page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    NOTE: Data columns will be created for Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields for assets only (not lists).