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New Task

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From the Tasks tab, you can create tasks. To create:

  1. Click the New Task button to bring up the New Task dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new task

    1. Wave – Assign the task to a wave (optional)
    2. Task Chain Template – Select the task chain template to load into the task (optional)
    3. Name – Name of the task (required)
    4. Task Type – Assign a task type to the task (optional)
    5. Task Priority – Assign a priority to the task (optional)
    6. Description – Description of the task (optional)
    7. Start – End Date & Time – Select the start and end goals of the task (required)
      NOTE:  The start and end goals of the task must be contained within the wave start and end boundaries (if a wave was assigned)
    8. Assigned To – Assign the task to a ReadyWorks user (optional)
    9. Assigned Groups – Assign the task to ReadyWorks fucntional groups (optional)
    10. Action Templates – Select the action templates to load into the task (optional)
    11. T-Comm Templates – Select the T-Comm templates to link to the task (optional)
    12. Asset Type Filter – Select an asset type to filter the Link Assets drop down (optional)
      1. Once an asset type is selected the Link Assets button will become available (ungrayed).
    13. Link Assets – Select assets from the drop down to link to the task (optional)
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the task. You will be redirected back to the Tasks tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.