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Other Settings

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The Other Settings tab on the ETL page provides the ability to view and configure ETL settings.

Available operations:

  • View and update ETL settings
    • Fields available
      • Maximum allowed size of data to process per loop (in megabytes) – Enter maximum allowed size of data to process per loop (in megabytes)
      • Maximum allowed tables per job – Enter maximum number of tables allowed per job
      • Maximum length of a field name – Enter maximum length of a field name
      • Maximum number of bytes per table record – Enter maximum number of bytes per table record
      • Maximum number of rows to insert at a time – Enter maximum number of rows to insert at a time
      • Maximum simultaneously running jobs – Enter maximum number of simultaneously running jobs
      • Maximum size of a VARCHAR field in bytes – Enter maximum size of a VARCHAR field (in bytes)
      • Number of days to retain old log data – Enter number of days to retain old log data
      • Overhead bytes to calculate per field – Enter number of overhead bytes to calculate per field
      •  Reset ETL settings to default – Reset bulk edit settings to the default values

Update ETL Settings

From the Other Settings tab, you can update the ETL settings. To update:

  1. Enter or select a value for each ETL setting
  2. Click the Update button to save your ETL settings