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The Environment tab on the Options page provides the ability to view and configure environment settings.

Available operations:

  • View and update the environment settings
    • Fields available
      • Dashboard Name – Change the name of the Project dashboard for your specific project

        NOTE:  This feature was moved to Dashboard Settings in version 7.4.0603.
      • Environment Name – Set the name of the environment (e.g. PROD, TEST) displayed in the top left corner of the Settings Menu
      • Environment Color – Set the color of the environment name  displayed in the top left corner of the Settings Menu. The default color is green if none is specified. Enter a hex color code to change the color. The hex color code #ff0000 is shown below.
      • Bulk Edit – Choose if Bulk Edit functionality is enabled or not from the Bulk Edit drop down
        NOTE:  This feature was deprecated in version 7.6.0110.

Update Environment Settings

From the Environment tab, you can update the environment settings. To update:

  1. Enter a value for each environment setting
  2. Click the update button to save your environment settings