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Add Tabs

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The Add Tabs configuration tab provides the ability configure additional tabs to display reports in the portal. Tabs access can be controlled by adding conditions to limit which users can view the tab based on their properties. Configuration options include creating new tabs, updating tabs and deleting tabs.

Create Tab

From the Add Tabs configuration tab, you can create additional tabs to display reports in the portal. To create:

  1. Select the tab with the to add a new tab
  2. Enter the tab name in the Tab Name text box
  3. Enter the URL flag in the URL Flag text box
  4. Choose if the Reschedule button is enabled or not from the Enabled radio button
  5. Click the Add Condition button to add one or more conditions to limit which users can view the tab based on their properties

    1. Data Column – Select the data column of the User asset type (e.g. Migration Status) of each condition
    2. Operator – Select the operator (Equal or Not Equal) of each condition
    3. Value – Select one or more values to apply the operator to the data column (e.g. Migrated, Not Migrated)
    4. Delete – Delete a condition
    5. Add Condition – Add new rows for additional conditions
  6. Enter text in the Page Text Utilize HTML elements to augment the text (e.g. <br> for line break).
  7. Use the placeholder buttons to add variables for User asset properties to the text box (e.g. Name)
  8. Select the report to display on the tab by selection from the Report drop down
  9. Click the Create button to create a new tab. Navigate to another page to cancel your changes.
    NOTE:  Each tab must be updated individually. Updating from a different tab without first updating the Add Tabs configuration tab will result in the loss of your changes.
  10. The view of an example Additional tab in the portal is shown below:

Update Tab

From the Add Tabs configuration tab, you can update additional tabs. To update:

  1. Select a tab to update
  2. Update the tab name in the Tab Name text box
  3. Update the URL flag in the URL Flag text box
  4. Choose if the Reschedule button is enabled or not from the Enabled radio button
  5. Click the Add Condition button to add one or more conditions to limit which users can view the tab based on their properties

    1. Data Column – Select the data column of the User asset type (e.g. Migration Status) of each condition
    2. Operator – Select the operator (Equal or Not Equal) of each condition
    3. Value – Select one or more values to apply the operator to the data column (e.g. Migrated, Not Migrated)
    4. Delete – Delete a condition
    5. Add Condition – Add new rows for additional conditions
  6. Update text in the Page Text Utilize HTML elements to augment the text (e.g. <br> for line break).
  7. Use the placeholder buttons to add variables for User asset properties to the text box (e.g. Name)
  8. Select the report to display on the tab by selection from the Report drop down
  9. Click the Update button to save your changes. Navigate to another page to cancel your changes.
    NOTE:  Each tab must be updated individually. Updating from a different tab without first updating the Add Tabs configuration tab will result in the loss of your changes.
  10. The view of an example Additional tab in the portal is shown below:

Delete Tab

From the Add Tabs configuration tab, you can delete additional tabs. To delete:

  1. Select a tab to update
  2. Click the Delete button
    1. The delete button is only visible when Enable Delete has been checked under Settings  Options (top right corner of the UI)
    2. The delete function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the delete operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.