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Navigation Menu

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The Navigation Menu provides a way for you to traverse the different ReadyWorks modules. The Navigation Menu is located on the left side of the User Interface and is divided into sections for PROJECT, ASSETS and ADMIN.

Navigation Menu Sections

Section Modules Available
Favorites, Dashboards, Attachments, Reports, Self Service, Workflow
Assets, Lists, Status Lists, Analytics, Tools
Event Logs, Configuration, Sign Out

The modules available on the Navigation Menu differ depending on the security group of the logged on user and the Modules enabled. The example below on the left is for a user in the Administrator security group with all Modules enabled. The example below on the right is for a user in the Regular User, Workflow User and Read Only User security groups with all Modules enabled. Click the icon to expand folders on the Navigation Menu. View a module by clicking the name of the module (e.g. Reports).