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Data Generator

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The Data Generator tab provides the ability to generate asset data for testing.

Available operations:

  • View a list of asset types in ReadyWorks
    • Columns available
      • Id – System Id of the asset type
      • Asset Type Name – Name of the asset type
      • Type – Function of the asset type (asset or list)
        • Filter by type
      • Count – Total number of assets of the asset type
  • View assets by selecting an asset type (row) and clicking the View Assets button on the toolbar
  • Generate assets by selecting an asset type (row) and clicking the Generate Data button on the toolbar
  • Truncate assets by selecting one or more asset types (rows) and clicking the Truncate Asset Type button on the toolbar
  • Truncate all assets by clicking the Truncate All Asset Types button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, refresh the table and search for text

NOTE: The Data Generator is only available in Development mode to ReadyWorks users in the Administrator security group.

View Assets

From the Data Generator tab, you can view assets. To view:

  1. Select an asset type (row) to view
  2. Click the View Assets button on the toolbar
  3. Clicking the View Assets button will bring up the asset page in a new browser tab

Generate Data

From the Data Generator tab, you can generate data. To generate data:

  1. Select an asset type (row) to generate data for
  2. Click the Generate Data button on the toolbar
  3. Select the properties of the assets to generate

    1. Number of Rows to Insert – Number of assets to generate (required)
    2. Name – How the name will be generated (Starts With, Random, Exactly Like)
      1.  Name String – String to prepend to generated asset names (required)
        1. Not applicable for Random
      2. Start From – Number to append to generated asset names (required) (e.g., 1, 01, 001, 0001)
        1. Not applicable for Exactly Like
    3. Data Columns (specific to the asset type) – Data columns of the asset type
      1. None – Do not populate the column
      2. Random Choice – Select a random value
      3. Random Text – Generate random text
      4. Random Email – Generate a random email address
      5. Random String – Generate a random string
        NOTE:  A required field is denoted with an orange asterisk.
  4. Click the Submit button to generate data. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Truncate Asset Types

From the Data Generator tab, you can truncate asset types. To truncate:

  1. Select one or more asset types (rows) to truncate
  2. Click the Truncate Asset Type button on the toolbar
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the truncate operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Truncate All Asset Types

From the Data Generator tab, you can truncate all asset types. To truncate all:

  1. Click the Truncate All Asset Type button on the toolbar
  2. Click the Delete button to confirm the truncate all operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.