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User Menu

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The User Menu provides a way for you to save shortcuts to your favorite ReadyWorks pages, access the ReadyWorks user guide, view online users, view your pending tasks and view your user profile. The User Menu is located on the top blue bar of the User Interface.


New Favorite

From the User Menu, you can save, you can save shortcuts to your favorite ReadyWorks pages. To save:

  1. Click the Favorite button on the User Menu to bring up the New Favorite dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new favorite

    1. Name – Name of the favorite (required)
    2. Folder – Select or create a folder for the new favorite (optional)
    3. URL – URL of the favorite (required)
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the favorite. You will be redirected back to the previous page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

User Guide

From the User Menu, you can access the ReadyWorks user guide. To access:

  1. Click the User Guide button on the User Menu to access the ReadyWorks user guide

Online Users

From the User Menu, you can view a list of online users. To view:

  1. Click the Online Users button on the User Menu
  2. A list of online users and how long they have been logged on will be displayed

Pending Tasks

From the User Menu, you can view a list of your pending tasks. To view:

  1. Click the Pending Tasks button on the User Menu to view a list of your pending tasks
  2. A list of pending tasks will be displayed
  3. Click on a task to be redirected to the task to view the properties
  4. Click the View all tasks hyperlink to be redirected to the Assigned Tasks tab on your user profile

Logged On User

From the User Menu, you can view your user profile. To view:

  1. Click the Logged On User button (e.g. Regular User) on the User Menu
  2. Click the Profile button to view your User Profile
  3. Details on how to use your user profile is outlined in View User