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Toolbar Icons

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Icons are placed on the toolbar to assist with common ReadyWorks actions. Some icons become active when an item (row) is selected in the associated table on the page or the appropriate conditions are met. The following table outlines each toolbar icon:

Icon Description
Download (action buttons, asset types, attachments, connectors, forms, mappings, reports)
Delete, Remove (portal access)
Unlink, Unassign (action buttons, users)
Assign to Task (waves), Assign to Wave (assets, lists)
Edit (action buttons, assets, charts, cron jobs, dashboards, job schedules, lists, portal access, reports, search, task priorities, task types, wave groups, wave types)
Bulk Edit (assets, lists, tasks, waves)
View (published reports)
Assign (tasks)
Start (tasks)
Start All (tasks)
Complete (actions, tasks)
Cancel (tasks)
Fail (tasks)
Pause (tasks)
Undo (actions)
Copy (action templates, asset types, assets, connectors, forms, security groups, task chain templates, T-Comm templates)
T-Comm On Demand
Preview (charts)
Clear Cache (charts)
Run Cron Job (cron jobs)
Share (search)
Apply (search)