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New Chart

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From the Charts tab, you can create charts. To create:

  1. Click the New Chart button to bring up the New Chart wizard
  2. Enter the properties of the new chart

    1. Name – Name of the chart (required)
    2. Source Type – Type of the source data table for the chart (required)
      1. Different options are available depending on the type of source:
        1. Asset Type – Use an asset type (asset or list) as the source for the chart

          1. Source Table – Name of the source asset type for the chart (required)
        2. Report – Use a report as the source for the chart

          1. Source Report – Name of the source report for the chart (required)
          2. Data Method – Data method of the chart (Sum or Value) (optional)
            1. Sum – Total for each value in a data column (e.g., Computers in New York)
              NOTE: Sum is the data method used when Asset Type is selected as the Source Type.
            2. Value – Value in a data field (e.g., Annual Cost of HR Software)
          3. Legend Number Format – Choose if chart legend values are formatted as numbers (e.g., 1,000.00) (optional)
          4. Legend Leading Character – Enter character to prepend to chart legend values (e.g., $) (optional)
    3. Description – Description of the chart (optional)
    4. Chart Type – Type of the chart (Pie, Bar, Area) (required)
    5. Index Axis – Index axis of the chart (Vertical, Horizontal) (required)
      NOTE: Only available on Bar charts.
    6. Heading Color – Color of the heading bar on the chart (only default colors are available from the drop down) (required)
    7. Chart Span – Spanning of the chart on the dashboard (Half Width, Full Width) (required)
    8. Chart Position – Select the chart this chart will display before or after. The chart position is displayed on the right side of the wizard. (required)
    9. Results to Show – Choose to show all results or limit to a number (e.g. show the top five values) (required)
    10. Show Legend – Choose whether to display the legend on the chart (optional)
      NOTE: Only available on Bar and Area charts.
    11. Show Zero Values – Choose whether to display items with zero values on the chart (e.g. No Computers with a particular Migration status) (optional)
    12. Show by Default – Choose whether to display the chart by default on a ReadyWorks user’s dashboard or to require them to select it manually (optional)
    13. Enabled – Choose whether the chart is enabled and available for ReadyWorks users to select it for display on their dashboard (optional)
  3. Select the data columns and filters of the new chart

    1. Data Column – Name of the data column (required)
    2. Filter – Name of the value to filter for the data column (optional)
    3. Label – Name of the data column on the chart legend (optional)
    4. Color – Color of the data column on the chart (required) (i.e. slice of the pie, bar, area line)
    5. Action – Delete a data column from the chart
    6. Add Row – Add new rows for additional data columns
    7. X-Axis (required for bar and area charts, not applicable to pie charts)
      1. Data Column – Name of the x-axis data column (required)
      2. Filter – Name of the value to filter for the x-axis data column (required)
      3. Color – Color of the data column on the x-axis
    8. Label (required for value data method, not applicable to sum data method)
      1. Data Column – Name of the label data column (required)
      2. Filter – Name of the value to filter for the label data column (required)
      3. Color – Color of the data column on the label
    9. Secondary Filter (optional)
      1. Show/Hide Secondary Filter – Show or hide the secondary filter
      2. Clear Secondary Filter – Clear the secondary filter
      3. Column Name – Name of the secondary data column (required for secondary filter)
      4. Filter – Name of the value to filter for the secondary data column (required for secondary filter)
      5. ADD Rule – Add more secondary filters
  4. Click the Reset Data button to clear all data columns. Click the Reset button to confirm the reset operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.
  5. Click the Preview Chart button to preview the chart before saving. Click the Close button to exit the chart preview.

    1. Strikethrough a data column to temporarily hide it from the chart preview
  6. Click the Create Chart button when finished to create the chart. You will be redirected back to the Charts tab. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.