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Portal URL Settings

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From the Portal Users page, you can select portal features to enable in the Portal URL. To select portal features:

  1. Click the Portal URL Settings button to bring up the Portal URL Settings dialog
  2. Select portal features to enable in the Portal URL from the Tab Control drop down. At least one portal feature must be selected.
    1. Standard Tabs – Out of the box portal features (User Information, Computers, Applications, Scheduling)
    2. Additional Tabs – Additional tabs created to display custom reports
  3. Click the Apply button when finished to enable portal features in the Portal URL. You will be redirected back to the Portal Users page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. View the portal URL of the portal user by clicking the hyperlink of the Portal URL field on the Portal Users page
  4. The portal URL settings function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups

NOTE:  The settings only apply to the current page load and are not persistent.