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Chart Examples

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The following sections detail the configuration settings for several chart examples.

Chart Examples

Example Description
Simple Pie Chart Basic pie chart with no complex data column filters
Simple Bar Chart Basic bar chart with simple data column and x-axis filters
Horizontal Bar Chart Horizontal bar chart with simple data column and x-axis filters
Simple Area Chart Basic area chart with simple data column and x-axis filters
Secondary Filter Apply additional filter to the data represented on the chart to selected values (e.g. Location)
Show Zero Values Hide or show values with zero values set. For example, unused Migration Status values on Computers can either be displayed or hidden from the chart legend.
Limit Results to Show Limit the number of values represented on the chart to a specified number or display all values
Sum Chart from Report Pie chart from report data summing the values (e.g., Computers in a Region) in a data column
Value Chart from Report Pie chart from report data displaying values (e.g., Software Costs by Region) in a data column