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TheĀ Settings menu provides the ability to manage your Project and Predefined dashboards.

Available operations:

Refresh Page

From the Project or a Predefined dashboard page, you can refresh the data on all charts and widgets on the dashboard. To refresh:

  1. Click the Refresh button to refresh the data on the dashboard

Show/Hide Charts

From the Project dashboard page, you can show and hide dashboard charts. To show or hide:

  1. From the Settings menu, select Show/Hide Charts to bring up the Charts dialog
  2. Select or unselect charts by checking or unchecking the checkbox next to the Chart Name field
  3. Click the Show My Charts button to only view your charts in the dialog
  4. Click the Show All Charts button to return to viewing all charts in the dialog
  5. Click the Save button to save your charts. A success message will be displayed when your charts have been saved and you will be redirected to the ReadyWorks dashboard.

Reset Dashboard

From the Project or a Predefined dashboard page, you can reset your dashboard to the default view. To reset:

  1. From the Settings menu, select Reset Dashboard to reset your dashboard to the default view with all charts shown
  2. Click the Reset button to confirm the reset operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Charts & Dashboards

From the Project or any Predefined dashboard page, you can navigate to the charts and dashboards settings on the Charts & Dashboards page. To navigate:

  1. From the Settings menu, select Charts & Dashboards to navigat to the Charts & Dashboards page
  2. The Charts & Dashboards menu option is only available to users in the Administrator security group