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Self Service Audit

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The Self Service Audit tab provides the ability to view all logged self service events.

Available operations:

  • View the ReadyWorks self service events
    • Columns visible
      • Timestamp – Date and time the event was logged
      • Portal User Name – Provisioned portal user who initiated the event
      • RW User Name – ReadyWorks user who initiated the event
      • IP Address – Address the user initiated the event from
      • Action – Action completed (link, create, etc.)
        • Filter by action
      • Title – Title of the event
      • Details – Details of the event
      • Section – Name of the section of the event (action button, applications, computers, custom tab, form builder, other, scheduling, user information, etc.)
        • Filter by section
      • Item Module – System name of the source module of the event (wave, task, attachment, etc.)
        • Filter by module
      • Item Name – User entered name of the source module item (e.g. Wave XYZ)
      • Link Module – System name of the target (linked) module of the event (Wave, Task, Attachment, etc.)
        • Filter by module
      • Link Name – User entered name of the target (linked) module item (e.g. Wave XYZ)
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, view full screen, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text