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Task Reminders

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The Task Reminders tab is located on the View User page and is accessed by clicking the hyperlink of the user account Email field.

Available operations:

  • Create new task reminders by clicking on the New Reminder button
  • View a list of task reminders created by a user
    • Columns available
      • Id (hidden by default) – System Id of the task reminder
      • Name – Name of the task reminder
      • T-Days – Days before or after the start date of task when the task reminder will be sent
      • T-Hours – Hour of the day the task reminder will be sent (i.e. 11 equates to 11:00am through 11:59am, 23 equates to 11:00pm through 11:59pm)
      • Task Status – Task status(es) to trigger task reminders (Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Overdue, Cancelled, Failed, On Hold)
      • Status – Whether the task reminder is enabled or disabled
  • Edit task reminders by selecting a task reminder (row) and clicking the Edit Reminder button on the toolbar
  • Delete task reminders by selecting one or more task reminders (rows) and clicking the Delete Reminders button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text

New Reminder

From the Task Reminders tab, you can create task reminders. To create:

  1. Click the New Reminder button to bring up the New Reminder dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new task reminder

    1. Name – Name of the task reminder (required)
    2. T-Days Trigger – Days before or after the start date of task when the task reminder will be sent (required)
    3. T-Hours Trigger – Hour of the day the task reminder will be sent (i.e. 11 equates to 11:00am through 11:59am, 23 equates to 11:00pm through 11:59pm) (required)
    4. Task Status – Task status(es) to trigger task reminders (Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Overdue, Cancelled, Failed, On Hold)
    5. Status – Whether the task reminder is enabled or disabled (required)
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the task reminder. You will be redirected back to the Task Reminder tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. The new task reminder function is available to users in all security groups by default

Edit Reminder

From the Task Reminders tab, you can edit the properties of task reminders. To edit:

  1. Select a task reminder (row) to edit
  2. Click the Edit Reminder button on the toolbar to bring up the Edit Reminder dialog

    1. The edit button is grayed out unless a task reminder (row) is selected

    2. The edit function is available to users in all security groups by default
  3. Edit the properties of the task reminder

    1. Name – Name of the task reminder (required)
    2. T-Days Trigger – Days before or after the start date of task when the task reminder will be sent (required)
    3. T-Hours Trigger – Hour of the day the task reminder will be sent (i.e. 11 equates to 11:00am through 11:59am, 23 equates to 11:00pm through 11:59pm) (required)
    4. Task Status – Task status(es) to trigger task reminders (Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Overdue, Cancelled, Failed, On Hold)
    5. Status – Whether the task reminder is enabled or disabled (required)
  4. Click the Update button when finished to update the task reminder. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Delete Reminders

From the Task Reminders tab, you can delete task reminders. To delete:

  1. Select one or more task reminders (rows) to delete
  2. Click the Delete Reminders button on the toolbar

    1. The delete button is only visible when Enable Delete has been checked under Settings  Options (top right corner of the UI)

    2. The delete button is grayed out unless a task reminder (row) is selected

    3. The delete function is available to users in all security groups by default
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the delete operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.