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New Action Button

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From the Action Buttons page, you can create action buttons. To create:

  1. Click the New Action Button button to bring up the New Action Button dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new action button

    1. Name – Name of the action button (required)
    2. Status – Choose if the action button is enabled (required)
    3. Apply to Reports – Select report to apply the action button to
  3. Click the Save & Continue button when finished to create the action button. You will be redirected to the Edit Action Button page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. The new mapping function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  4. Enter the front-end (HTML) code of the new action button in the front-end (HTML) tab
  5. Enter the front-end (JS) code of the new action button in the front-end (JS) tab
  6. Enter the back-end (PHP) code of the new action button in the back-end (PHP) tab
  7. Use the editing buttons to format the button code
    1. Undo – Undo the last edit
    2. Redo – Redo the last edit that was undone
    3. Block Outdent – Remove an indent from a line or block
    4. Block Indent – Set a line or block in from the margin
    5. Comment – Comment out a line
    6. Comment Block – Comment out a block
    7. Templates – Load example HTML, JS or PHP code from common templates
    8. Clear – Clear the window
    9. Duplicate Selection – Duplicate the selection
  8. Click the  button to run the code and preview the button in the Button Preview window before saving

    1. Use the  menu to manage the button preview

      1. Move to Bottom – Move the Button Preview windows to the bottom of the page
      2. Get Datatable Snapshot – Enter a query to load asset data into the button preview datatable.
      3. Click the Update button to save your changes and refresh the button preview. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

        1. Use the editing buttons to format the button code
          1. Undo – Undo the last edit
          2. Redo – Redo the last edit that was undone
          3. Block Outdent – Remove an indent from a line or block
          4. Block Indent – Set a line or block in from the margin
          5. Comment – Comment out a line or block
        2. Use the  menu to select asset data to load into the button preview datatable
        3. Click the  button to clear the window
  9. Click the  button to save the action button
  10. Click the  button to choose if the action button supports selection of single or multiple datatable rows
  11. Click the  button to bring op the Button Properties dialog
    1. Configure the button properties and then click the Update button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

      1. Name – Name of the action button (required)
      2. Status – Choose if the action button is enabled (required)
      3. Apply to Reports – Select report to apply the action button to
        NOTE: Action buttons can also be assigned to reports in the Report Builder.
  12. Click the  button to expand the button code to full window mode. Click the  button to exit full window mode.
  13. Click the  button to choose the theme
  14. Click the  button to choose from typical action button examples