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Inbound Job Fields

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The Inbound Job Fields tab provides the ability to manage inbound job fields.

Available operations:

  • View inbound job fields associated with the connector
    • Columns available
      • Id (hidden by default) – System Id of the job field
      • Status – Whether the job field is enabled or disabled
      • Connector (hidden by default) – Connector of the job field
      • Field Name – Name of the job field
      • Field Type – Type of the job field
      • Field Label – Label of the job field
      • Placeholder – Placeholder of the job field
      • Tooltip – Tooltip of the job field
      • Input Data – JSON input data of the job field
      • Min Length – Minimum length (number of characters) of the job field
      • Max Length – Maximum length (number of characters) of the job field
      • Default Value – Default value of the job field
      • RegEx Pattern – Regular expression pattern to validate input values of the job field
      • RegEx Message – Message to display for input values that do not match the regular expression pattern
      • Order – Order of the job field in the New Inbound Job and Edit Inbound Job dialogs
      • Required – Whether the job field is required
      • Job Field Template Id (hidden by default) – Template Id of the job field
      • Can Disable – Whether the job field can be disabled
  • Edit inbound job fields by selecting a job field (row) and clicking the Edit Job Field button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility and search for text

NOTE: The following inbound job fields are enabled by default and cannot be disabled: Body Data Sending Method, Data Identify, Destination Table, Enabled, Fields to Index, Job Description, Job Schedule, Order.