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Install Report

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From the Reports page, you can install reports. To install:

  1. Click the Install Report button to bring up the Install Report dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new report

    1. Install Type – Select the type of report install (required)
      1. Different options are available depending on the type of report install:
        1. ZIP File – Browse for a report ZIP file to upload
        2. Manual – Enter the properties of the new report
          1. Name – Name of the report (required)
          2. Description – Description of the report (optional)
          3. Status – Choose if the report is enabled (optional)
            1. Disabled reports are only visible to users in the Administrator security group
          4. Published – Choose if the report is published (optional)
  3. Click the Install button when finished to install the report. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.