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Configuration Report

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The Configuration Reports on the Options page tab provides the ability to view and create configuration reports. Configuration reports are a snapshot of the ReadyWorks configuration settings at the time the report was created.

Available operations:

  • Create new configuration reports by clicking on the Create Report button
  • View a list of configuration reports
    • Columns available
      • Name – Name of the configuration report
      • Date Created – Date the configuration report was created
  • View a report by clicking the hyperlink of the Name field
  • Delete reports by selecting a report (row) and clicking the Delete Report button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, refresh the table and search for text

Create Configuration Report

From the Configuration Report tab, you can create configuration reports. To create:

  1. Click the Create Report button. You will be redirected back to the View Configuration Report page.

View Configuration Report

From the Configuration Report tab, you can view a configuration report. To view:

  1. Click the hyperlink of the Name field to view the Anomalous Data report
  2. Sections available:
    1. Client Configuration
    2. Modules
    3. Asset Types
    4. Charts
    5. Dashboards
    6. Reports
    7. Waves
    8. Wave Types
    9. Wave Groups
    10. Task Types
    11. Task Priority
    12. Action Templates
    13. T-Comm Templates
    14. Task Chain Templates
    15. Analytics Reports
    16. Asset Rules
    17. User Accounts
    18. Data Mapping
    19. Cron Jobs
    20. Form Builder
    21. Action Buttons
    22. SSO Settings
    23. ETL5 Connection Settings

Delete Configuration Report

From the Configuration Report tab, you can delete configuration reports. To delete:

  1. Select a configuration report (row) to delete
  2. Click the Delete Report button on the toolbar

    1. The delete button is only visible when Enable Delete has been checked under Settings  Options (top right corner of the UI)

    2. The delete button is grayed out unless a report (row) is selected

    3. The delete function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the delete operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.