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View Action Template

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This View Action Template page is accessed when you view the properties of the action template by clicking the hyperlink of the action template name on the Action Templates page.

Available operations:

  • View and update the properties of the action template
  • View and update the actions of the action template

From the Action Templates page, you can view and update action templates. To view and update:

  1. Click the hyperlink of the action template Name field
    1. The edit function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  2. On the Template Properties tab, update the properties of the action template

    1. Name – Name for the action template (required)
    2. Description – Description of the action template (optional)
  3. On the Template Actions tab, update the template actions

    1. Update the properties of each action
      1. Name – Name of the action (required)
      2. Details – Description of the action (optional)
    2. Click the Add Action button to add more actions. Enter the properties of each additional action.
    3. Click the Delete Action button next to each action (row) to delete actions
  4. Click the Update button when finished to update the action template. Click the Close button to cancel the operation or to be redirected back to the Action Templates page.