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Bulk Edit

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From the Assets page, you can edit the properties of assets in bulk. To edit:

  1. Click the Bulk Edit button on the toolbar to bring up the bulk editor dialog

    1. The bulk edit function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  2. Edit the properties of the assets

    Update Bulk Edit settings to configure the behavior of the bulk editor and dropdowns. Select your bulk edit type preference (Inline, Window) on your Account Settings.

    1. Name – Name of the asset (required)
    2. Asset Specific Columns – Columns specific to the asset type
    3. Use the navigation buttons to scroll horizontally (left-to-right)
      1. Page Left – Page to the left
      2. Scroll Left – Scroll to the left
      3. Scroll Right – Scroll to the right
      4. Page Right – Page to the right
    4. View the entries, cells and updated fields in the bulk editor dialog
      1. Showing Entries – Number of entries (rows) shown
      2. Cells – Number of cells shown
      3. Updated Fields – Number of fields updated
    5. Fill down Name data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Enter text in the text box
      2. Enter a suffix to append an incrementing number to the text (e.g., App1, App2, App3, etc.
      3. Click Apply Changes to apply changes to the data column
      4. Click Restore Defaults to clear any unsaved changes
    6. Fill down text data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Enter text in the text box
      2. Click Apply Changes to apply changes to the data column
      3. Click Restore Defaults to clear any unsaved changes
    7. Fill down date data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Select a date from the date picker

      2. Click Apply Changes to apply changes to the data column
      3. Click Restore Defaults to clear any unsaved changes
    8. Fill down date and time data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Select a date and time from the date picker and click Apply

      2. Click Apply Changes to apply changes to the data column
      3. Click Restore Defaults to clear any unsaved changes
    9. Fill down multiline text data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Enter text in the text box

        1. Use the arrows to move up or down in the text bo
      2. Click Apply Changes to apply changes to the data column
      3. Click Restore Defaults to clear any unsaved changes
    10. Fill down lookup data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Select a value or multiple values (multilookup) from the menu drop down
      2. Click the button to apply changes to the data column
      3. Click the button to clear all selections (values) in the data column
      4. Click the button to show the selected value(s) in the menu drop down
    11. Fill down checkbox and select data columns using the menu drop down above the columns
      1. Select a value from the menu drop down to apply changes to the data column
  3. Click the Save button when finished to update the assets. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

NOTE:  The legacy bulk editor was deprecated in version 7.6.0110.