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Edit Outbound Job Field

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From the Outbound Job Fields tab, you can edit outbound job fields. To edit:

  1. Select a job field (row) to edit
  2. Click the Edit Job Field button on the toolbar to bring up the Edit Job Field dialog

    1. The edit button is grayed out unless a job field (row) is selected

    2. The edit function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  3. Update the properties of the job field

    1. Enabled – Choose if the field is enabled (required)
    2. Field Name – Name of the field (required)
    3. Field Type – Type of the field (required)
    4. Field Label – Label of the field (required)
    5. Placeholder – Placeholder of the field (optional)
    6. Tooltip – Tooltip of the field (optional)
    7. JSON Input Data – JSON input data of the field (optional)
    8. Min Length – Minimum length (number of characters) of the field (optional)
    9. Max Length – Maximum length (number of characters) of the field (optional)
    10. Default Value – Default value of the field (optional)
    11. RegEx Pattern – Regular expression pattern to validate input values of the field (optional)
    12. RegEx Message – Message to display for input values that do not match the regular expression pattern (optional)
    13. Order – Order of the field in the New Outbound Job and Edit Outbound Job dialogs (optional)
    14. Required – Choose if the field is required (required)
  4. Click the Update button when finished to update the outbound job field. You will be redirected back to the Outbound Job Fields tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

NOTE: The following outbound job fields are enabled by default and cannot be disabled: Body Data Sending Method, Data Sending Method, Enabled, Job Description, Order, Outbound Fields List, Return Data Fields List.