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Chart Properties

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The Chart Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of charts.

Available operations:

  • View and update the properties of the chart (not a separate view and edit page)
    • Fields available (view/edit)
      • Name – Name of the chart (required)
      • Source Type – Type of the source data table for the chart. This field cannot be changed once a chart is created.
        • Different options are available depending on the type of source:
          • Asset Type – Use an asset type (asset or list) as the source for the chart

            • Source Table – Name of the source asset type for the chart. This field cannot be changed once a chart is created.
          • Report – Use a report as the source for the chart

            • Source Report – Name of the source report for the chart. This field cannot be changed once a chart is created.
            • Data Method – Data method of the chart (Sum or Value) (optional)
              • Sum – Total for each value in a data column (e.g., Computers in New York)
                NOTE: Sum is the data method used when Asset Type is selected as the Source Type.
              • Value – Value in a data field (e.g., Annual Cost of HR Software)
            • Legend Number Format – Choose if chart legend values are formatted as numbers (e.g., 1,000.00) (optional)
            • Legend Leading Character – Enter character to prepend to chart legend values (e.g., $) (optional)
      • Description – Description of the chart (optional)
      • Chart Type – Type of the chart (Pie, Bar, Area) (required)
      • Index Axis – Index axis of the chart (Vertical, Horizontal) (required)
        NOTE: Only available on Bar charts.
      • Heading Color – Color of the heading bar on the chart (only default colors are available from the drop down) (required)
      • Chart Span – Spanning of the chart on the dashboard (Half Width, Full Width) (required)
      • Chart Position – Select the chart this chart will display before or after (required)
      • Results to Show – Choose to show all results or limit to a number (e.g. show the top five values) (required)
      • Show Legend – Choose whether to display the legend on the chart (optional)
        NOTE: Only available on Bar and Area charts.
      • Show Zero Values – Choose whether to display items with zero values on the chart (e.g. No Computers with a particular Migration Status) (optional)
      • Show by Default – Choose whether to display the chart by default on a ReadyWorks user’s dashboard or to require them to select it manually (optional)
      • Enabled – Choose whether the chart is enabled and available for ReadyWorks users to select it for display on their dashboard (optional)
  • Click the Update Chart button to save any changes to the properties
  • Click the Preview Chart button to preview any changes to the properties
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard