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Edit Schedule

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From the ETL Job Schedules tab, you can edit the properties of job schedules. To edit:

  1. Select a job schedule (row) to edit

    NOTE:  Default schedules (hourly, daily, weekly, every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes and every 30 minutes) cannot be modified.
  2. Click the Edit Schedule button on the toolbar to bring up the Edit Schedule dialog

    1. The edit button is grayed out unless a job schedule (row) is selected

    2. The edit function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  3. Edit the properties of the job schedule

    1. Name – Name of the job schedule (required)
    2. Priority – Choose the order the job schedule will run at the designated frequency (required)
    3. Choose the frequency the job schedule will run (required)
      1. Time Component – Select the time component (Minute, Day of Week, Month, Day of Month, Hour)
      2. Value – Select the value of the time component (e.g., 30, Monday, October, 6, 23)
        1. Select Any to match any value
      3. Ranged – Select to define a range for the selected time component (e.g., Monday through Friday)
      4. End – Select the end value of the range for the selected time component
    4. Action – Delete existing or new rows
    5. Add Component – Add new rows for additional time components
    6. Advanced Edit – Choose whether to edit the cron string manually (optional)

      1. Cron Values
        1. min – Minute values of the cron string (0-59)
        2. hr – Hour values of the cron string (0-23)
        3. dom – Day of the month values of the cron string (0-31)
        4. mon – Month values of the cron string (0-11) (0 = January, 1 = February, etc.)
        5. dow – Day of the week values of the cron string (0-6) (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.)
      2. Special Characters
        1. * (asterisk) – Select all possible values in a field (e.g., place * in the hr field to run the task every hour)
        2. , (comma) – Used to separate multiple values (e.g., 0,3,5 in the dow field will make the task run on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday)
        3. – (hyphen) – Used to set a range of values (e.g., 10-15 in the dom field will run the task from the 10th to the 15th day of the month)
        4. / (separator) – Used to divide values (e.g., */10 in the hour field will make the task run every 10 hours)
  4. Click the Update button when finished to update the job schedule. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.