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Additional Settings

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ReadyWorks includes additional settings that are not configurable from the User Interface. Contact ReadyWorks Support to configure these settings. The ability to configure these settings in the UI will be available in a future release. The following table outlines the additional settings available in ReadyWorks.

Name Description
Header Logo Change the ReadyWorks header logo located in the top left corner of the Settings Menu.

Header Logo (Collapsed Navigation) Change the ReadyWorks header logo located in the top left corner of the Settings Menu when in collapsed navigation mode.

MySQL Backup Location Specify the backup location to a folder on the file system. The location should end with a backslash. The default folder is \console\_cron\mysqlbk\.
MySQL Backup Retention Policy Specify the number of days of nightly backup files to retain. Any file older than the specified value will be remove during the nightly backup operation. The default value is 21 days.
Scheduling Date Label Specify the label of the Preferred Migration Date field on the Scheduling tab in the portal.
Secondary Scheduling Date Label Specify the label of the Secondary Date field on the Scheduling tab in the portal.
Import Force Audit Force import logging of Assets and Asset Links.
SCCM Dashboard Enable the SCCM Dashboard (ETL4 or later).
Disable Native Login Disable native login when Single Sign-On is enabled.
Datatable Rows Displayed Change the number of rows displayed per page in datatables.