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Edit Chart

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From the Charts tab, you can edit charts. To edit:

  1. Select a chart (row) to edit
  2. Click the Edit Chart button on the toolbar

    1. The edit button is grayed out unless a chart (row) is selected

    2. The edit function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  3. Edit the properties of the chart

    1. Name – Name of the chart (required)
    2. Description – Description of the chart (optional)
    3. Chart Type – Type of the chart (Pie, Bar, Area). This field cannot be changed in this dialog. View the full details of the chart to change the type.
    4. Index Axis – Index axis of the chart (Vertical, Horizontal) (required)
      NOTE: Only available on Bar charts.
    5. Heading Color – Color of the heading bar on the chart (only default colors are available from the drop down) (required)
    6. Chart Span – Spanning of the chart on the dashboard (Half Width, Full Width) (required)
    7. Show Legend – Choose whether to display the legend on the chart (optional)
      NOTE: Only available on Bar and Area charts.
    8. Show Zero Values – Choose whether to display items with zero values on the chart (e.g. No Computers in the Migrated status) (optional)
    9. Show by Default – Choose whether to display the chart by default on a ReadyWorks user’s dashboard or to require them to select it manually (optional)
    10. Enabled – Choose whether the chart is enabled and available for ReadyWorks users to select it for display on their dashboard (optional)
  4. Click the Update button to save your changes. Click the Close button to cancel the operation. Click the View Full Details button to view all properties for the chart.