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Environment Details

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The Environment Details page provides a way for you to view server and environment settings and configure system analytics notifications. The Environment Details hyperlink is located on the About tab of the Settings Menu at the top right of the User Interface.

NOTE: The Environment Details hyperlink is only available to the default ReadyWorks Administrator account.


From the Environment tab on the Environment Details page, you can view server and environment settings. To view:

  1. Click Settings -> Options on the Settings Menu to view the About tab
  2. Click the Environment Details hyperlink
    NOTE: The Environment Details hyperlink is only available to the default ReadyWorks Administrator account.

System Analytics

From the System Analytics tab on the Environment Details page, you can configure system analytics notifications. To configure:

  1. Click Settings -> Options on the Settings Menu to view the About tab
  2. Click the Environment Details hyperlink
  3. Edit the properties of system analytics notifications

    1. Enabled – Whether system analytics notifications are enabled or disabled (required)
    2. Asset Total Counts – Whether asset counts are included in system analytics notifications (optional)
      1. Show Asset Types – Asset types included in system analytics notifications
    3. Additional Information – Additional information included in system analytics notifications (optional)
      1. Active/Total Users – Number of active users yesterday; number of users
      2. ETL Activity – Number of ETL transactions
      3. T-Comm Activity Detail – Number of T-Comm templates sent; number of T-Comm templates sent successfully
      4. T-Tomm Template Count – Number of T-Comm templates
      5. Self Service Portal Activity – Number of self service logins
    4. To Email – Recipient of system analytics notifications (separate multiple recipients with a comma) (optional)
    5. CC Email – Recipient to be copied on system analytics notifications (separate multiple recipients with a comma) (optional)

NOTE: System analytics notifications are sent daily by a system Cron Job.