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System Security Groups

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There are five system user security groups available for ReadyWorks users. The following table outlines each group and their associated privileges. Additional security groups can be created from scratch, or any security group can be copied to create a new security group with the same starting configuration.

Group Description
Administrator Full administrative access to create, view, edit and delete assets, import data, rationalize assets, manage users and groups, and monitor the system. Full access to all admin functions.
Regular User Regular access to create, view, edit and delete assets, run reports, and to create and run the project workflow. Regular users can also import data and rationalize assets. No access to admin functions.
Regular User (No Delete) Regular access to create, view and edit assets, run reports, and to create and run the project workflow. Regular users can also import data and rationalize assets. No access to admin functions. No ability to delete.
Read Only User Read only access to view assets and run reports. No edit/delete privileges, or access to admin functions.
Workflow User Workflow access to view assets, run reports, manage tasks (assign, start all, start, complete, cancel and fail), update tasks (properties, attachments, notes and actions), add notes, upload and download attachments. No edit/delete privileges or access to admin functions.