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New Task Chain Template

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From the Task Chain Templates page, you can create task chain templates. To create:

  1. Click the New Task Chain Template button to bring up the New Task Chain Template wizard
  2. On the Template Properties tab, enter the properties of the new task chain template

    1. Name – Name of the task chain template (required)
    2. Description – Description of the task chain template (optional)
    3. Enabled – Whether the task chain template is enabled or disabled (required)
  3. On the Template Tasks tab, define the template tasks

    1. Enter the properties of each task
      1. Primary – Whether the task is the primary task (T-0) (required)
      2. Task Name – Name of the task (required)
        1. Click the Asset Name button to add a variable (%[asset_name]%) in the Task Name field
        2. Manually enter a variable for any field of the linked user asset in the Task Name field
          1. Name – %[name]%
          2. Email – %[email]%
          3. Business Unit – %[lu__business_unit]%
          4. Department – %[lu__department]%
      3. Description – Description of the task (optional)
      4. Days Offset – Select the days the task is offset from the primary task
        1. The drop down is grayed out if primary task is selected
      5. Start Time – Select the start goal of the task (optional)
      6. Duration – Select the duration of the task (optional)
      7. Task Type – Assign a task type to the task (optional)
      8. Task Priority – Assign a priority to the task (optional)
      9. Assigned To – Assign the task to a ReadyWorks user (optional)
      10. Assigned Groups – Assign the task to a ReadyWorks functional group (optional)
      11. Action Templates – Select the action templates to load into the task (optional)
      12. T-Comm Templates – Select the T-Comm templates to link to the task (optional)
    2. Click the Add Task button to add more tasks. Enter the properties of each additional task.
    3. Click the Delete Task button next to each task (row) to delete tasks
  4. Click the Create button when finished to create the task chain template. You will be redirected back to the Task Chain Templates page. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.