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New Outbound Job Template

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From the Outbound Job Templates tab, you can create outbound job templates. To create:

  1. Click the New Outbound Job Template button to bring up the New Job Template dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new job template (available job template fields differ by connector)

    1. Populate Job Record – Choose how to populate the job (required)
      1. Clear Job Record – Start with an empty record
      2. Use Template – Start with a template job
    2. Job Description – Description of the job template (required)
    3. Enabled – Choose if the job template is enabled (required)
    4. Log Raw API Calls – Choose if raw API calls are logged (required)
    5. Method Type – Method type of the job template (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) (optional)
    6. Data Sending Method – Data sending method of the job template (JSON Encoded Data, Form Data) (required)
    7. API End Point – API end point of the job template (optional)
    8. API Data Parameters – API data parameters of the job template (optional)
      1. Enter Label and Value pair for each API data parameter
      2. Check Body if the API data parameter is passed through the body rather than the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
      3. Click the Add button to add API data parameters
      4. Click the Delete button to delete API query parameters
    9. Body Data Sending Method – Method for sending the body data of the job template (JSON Encoded Data, Form Data) (required)
    10. Return Data Fields List – Return data fields of the job template (required)
      1. Enter Label and Data Object pair for each return data field
      2. Click the Add button to add return data fields
      3. Click the Delete button to delete return data fields
    11. Outbound Fields List – Outbound fields of the job template (required)
      1. Enter Label and Name and select Type (String, Numeric, Boolean) for each outbound field (required)
      2. Check Required if the outbound field is required (required)
      3. Check URI if the outbound field is passed through the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) rather than the data packet (optional)
      4. Enter Pattern for each outbound field (optional)
      5. Click the Add button to add outbound fields
      6. Click the Delete button to delete outbound fields
    12. Ignore Empty Outbound Fields – Choose if empty outbound fields are ignored (optional)
    13. Order – Order of the job template in the Activate New Connection dialog (required)
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the outbound job template. You will be redirected back to the Outbound Job Templates tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. The new outbound job template function is only available to users in the Administrator security group