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Create Workflow Task

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The Create Workflow Task stored procedure provides the ability to create workflow tasks from a SQL query.

Name create_workflow_task
Description Create a new workflow task
Call create_workflow_task (wave_name, task_name, task_description, task_start_goal, task_end_goal, task_status, completed_by_email, task_type_name, assigned_users, tcomm_templates, assets_names)

The following parameters need to be passed to the stored procedure:

Variable Name Required Description Example Details
wave_name NO Name of the Wave where the Task will be created. If blank, the Task is created as a standalone task not linked to any Waves. My Wave 1


Pilot Wave 3

task_name YES The Task Name as displayed in ReadyWorks
task_description NO The Task Description as displayed in ReadyWorks
task_start_goal YES Task Start Goal Date 2019-02-21 09:00:00 Accepted Format:


task_end_goal YES Task End Goal Date 2019-02-21 17:00:00 Accepted Format:


task_status YES The Status of the task being created Not Started Accepted Values:

Not Started, In Progress, Overdue, Complete, Failed

completed_by_email NO The ReadyWorks Admin User Email that Completed the Task Set only if task_status is set to “Complete”
task_type_name NO The name of the Task Type Migration Dynamic name based on instance defined values
assigned_users NO ReadyWorks Admin User Email Address to assign the Task


To assign the task to multiple ReadyWorks Users, separate each user name with a pipe | character
tcomm_templates NO Name of T-Comm Templates to link to the Task Template 1


Template 1|Template 2

To link multiple T-Comm templates to the Task, separate each template name with a pipe (|) character
assets_names NO Name of Asset Types/Assets to link to the Task Computer:NYCPC1



User:John Smith

Each Asset must be defined as the Asset Type Name first, separated by a colon (:) character

To link multiple assets to the task, separate each asset with a pipe (|) character