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The Assets tab provides a mechanism to create or update assets and list items in bulk.

Import Assets

From the Assets tab, you can create new or update assets and list items. To import:

  1. Click the Asset Import Template hyperlink to bring up the Download Asset Import Template dialog

    1. Select an asset type from the Asset Type drop down
      NOTE:  The asset import template will include all asset data columns including those with Visible set to No
    2. Click the Download Template button to download the asset import template to populate. Click the Close button to close out of the dialog. You will be redirected back to the Asset Import page.
      NOTE:  The Name field of an asset cannot contain the string ” | “.
  2. Once you have completed the template, browse for the asset import file
    NOTE:  Be sure to save your template in CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) to preserve any special characters and to format the date columns appropriately.
  3. Select the asset type from the drop down
  4. Check Update Asset Properties to update existing assets or list items.
    TIP:  Leave unchecked when you are adding new assets or list items to avoid updating assets or list items inadvertently
  5. Check Add Lookup Values to create related assets and list items
  6. Check Write to Event Log to log the import (may slow down the import)
    NOTE:  Force import logging (shown above) through additional ReadyWorks settings.
  7. Prefilter the results by error, warning or success messages by checking or unchecking any of the three checkboxes
  8. Click the Submit Import button to create or update the assets or list items. Navigate to another page to cancel the operation.
    1. Only fields in the import file with a value will be updated (data columns will not be overwritten with blank values). This allows you to update a single data column if that is all that needs to be updated.
    2. The import function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  9. The results of the import will be displayed in the results window. You can filter the results by error, warning or success messages using the Filter Output By button. You can clear the results by clicking the Clear Output button.

Download Template

From the Assets tab, you can download a template used to create new or update assets and list items. To download:

  1. Click the Asset Import Template hyperlink to bring up the Download Asset Import Template dialog

    1. Select an asset type from the Asset Type drop down
      NOTE: The asset import template will include all asset data columns including those with Visible set to No
    2. Click the Download Template button to download the asset import template to populate. Click the Close button to close out of the dialog. You will be redirected back to the Asset Import page.

Format Date Columns

Date columns must be formated correctly for the import to succeed. To format:

  1. Select the Date Only or Date Time columns in Excel and right click to choose Format Cells
  2. In the Number tab, click on Date from the Category list, and then click on Custom
    NOTE:  The order of the clicks is required so the Custom tab will have date formatting populated into the Type field.
  3. In the Type field, enter [$-en-US]m/d/yyyy;@ (Date Only) or [$-en-US]m/d/yyyy h:mm;@ (Date Time)
      Entering two digits for the hour (hh) will cause the import to fail with a single digit hour (e.g. 09:00).

  4. Click OK and save the CSV
    NOTE:  Be sure to save your template in CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) to preserve any special characters.