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Advanced Search

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From the Search tab, you can apply advanced search conditions to the table (asset tables only). To apply:

  1. Click the Advanced Search button on the toolbar to bring up the advanced search dialog
  2. Click the Add Column button to add a condition to your search

    NOTE: Select your advanced search type preference (Inline, Window) on your Account Settings.

    1. Use the Select Column drop down to select the column to search
      1. Click the  button to sort the drop down alphabetically. Click the  button to sort the drop down by order.
    2. Use the Condition drop down to select the condition of the search
      1. Match to – String, date, or date time matches a value (single)
      2. Not Match to – String, date, or date time does not match a value (single)
      3. In – String matches one of the values (multiple)
      4. Not In – String does not match any of the values (multiple)
      5. Start With – String starts with the value
      6. Ends With – String ends with the value
      7. Contains – String contains the value
      8. Not Contains – String does not contain the value
      9. Equal to – Number equals the value
      10. Not Equal to – Number does not equal the value
      11. Less Than – Number or date time is less than the value
      12. Greater Than – Number or date time is greater than the value
      13. Between – Number, date, or date time is between the values
      14. Before – Number or date is before the value
      15. After – Number or date is before the value
    3. Use the Value drop down (or text box) to select (or enter) the value to search for
      NOTE: Leave the value blank for Undefined values.
    4. Click the Add Column button to add additional conditions to your search
      1. Select the join operator of the conditions
        1. AND – Match all conditions
        2. OR – Match any condition
    5. Click the Add Parenthesis and Close Parenthesis buttons to define the order to evaluate the conditions
    6. Click the Delete button to delete a condition (row)
    7. Click the Delete All button to delete all conditions (rows)
  3. Click the Apply Search button when finished to apply the search. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    NOTE: Applied advanced searches are retained while navigating within a session.
  4. Click the Save Search button to save the search

    1. Search Name – Enter Name of the search
    2. Click the Save Search button when finished to save the search. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
  5. Click the Clear Filter button on the toolbar to remove the advanced search

NOTE: Advanced search is available on the Assets and Lists & Status Lists pages and the View Asset Linked Assets, View Asset Related Assets, View List Related Assets, View Wave Linked Assets and View Task Linked Assets tabs.

My Searches

The My Searches tab provides the ability to manage your searches.

Available operations:

  • View a list of your searches
    • Columns available
      • Search Name – Name of the search
      • Asset Type – Asset type of the search
      • Date Created – Date the search was created
  • Edit searches by selecting a search (row) and clicking the Edit button on the toolbar
  • Share searches by selecting a search (row) and clicking the Share button on the toolbar
  • Apply searches by selecting a search (row) and clicking the Apply button on the toolbar
  • Delete searches by selecting a search (row) and clicking the Delete button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, refresh the table and search for text

Edit Search

From the My Searches tab, you can edit your searches. To edit:

  1. Select a search (row) to edit
  2. Click the Edit button on the toolbar

    1. The edit button is grayed out unless a search (row) is selected

    2. The edit function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. Edit the properties of your search
  4. Click the Save Search button to save your changes. You will be directed back to the My Searches tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Share Search

From the My Searches tab, you can share your searches. To share:

  1. Select a search (row) to share
  2. Click the Share button on the toolbar to bring up the Share with Users dialog

    1. The share button is grayed out unless a search (row) is selected

    2. The share function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. Select a user from the Users drop down and then click the Share button. You will be directed back to the My Searches tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.

Apply Search

From the My Searches tab, you can apply your searches. To apply:

  1. Select a search (row) to apply
  2. Click the Apply button on the toolbar

    Applied advance searches are retained while navigating within a session.

    1. The apply button is grayed out unless a search (row) is selected

    2. The apply function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  3. You will be directed back to the the table
  4. Click the Clear Filter button on the toolbar to remove the advanced search

Delete Search

From the My Searches tab, you can delete your searches. To delete:

  1. Select a search (row) to delete
  2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar

    1. The delete button is grayed out unless a search (row) is selected

    2. The delete function is only available to users in the Regular User and Administrator security groups
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm the delete operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.