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Relationship Chart

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The Relationship Chart tab on the View Asset page provides a visible representation of the asset and assets linked to the asset. In the example below, the Computer asset is linked to Application and User assets. The parent of the Computer and User asset types is the Department list. The parent of the Department list is the Location list. Assets with more than 20 links are grouped in a larger icon (e.g., Application and SCCM Collection assets). The number of expanded relationships is displayed at the bottom of the relationship chart.

Available operations:

Display Options

From the Relationship Chart tab, you can select the display option of the relationship chart. To select:

  1. Click one of the display option buttons below the relationship chart
  2. The relationship chart can be displayed Up-Down, Down-Up, Left-Right, Right-Left or Hub-Spoke. The different display options are shown below:
  3.  Your selection is saved between sessions. The current selection is highlighted blue.
  4. Click the Fit to View button to fit the relationship chart to the screen.
  5. Click the Toggle Full Screen button to expand the relationship chart to full screen. Press Esc to exit full screen.

View Properties

From the Relationship Chart tab, you can view the properties of an asset. To view:

  1. Select an asset and click the Info button to bring up the properties dialog of the selected asset. Click the Close button to return to the relationship chart.

Expand Grouped Assets

From the Relationship Chart tab, you can expand grouped assets (more than 20 linked assets). To expand:

  1. Select a grouped asset (larger icon) to expand and click the Expand button to bring up the Expand Assets dialog
  2. Select one or more assets (rows) to expand
  3. Click the Expand Assets button when finished to expand the assets on the relationship chart. Click the Close button to cancel the operation. The selected assets appear off the larger grouped asset icon on the relationship chart.

Expand Ungrouped Assets

From the Relationship Chart tab, you can expand ungrouped assets. To expand:

  1. Select an ungrouped asset (smaller asset icon with links in parenthesis) to expand and click the Expand button
  2. The expanded assets appear off the selected asset icon on the relationship chart


From the Relationship Chart tab, you can collapse expanded assets. To collapse:

  1. Select an expanded asset (grouped or ungrouped) to collapse and click the Collapse button
  2. The expanded assets will disappear from the selected asset icon on the relationship chart

Collapse All

  1. From the Relationship Chart tab, you can collapse all expanded assets. To collapse all:
    1. Click the Collapse All button
    2. All expanded assets will disappear from the relationship chart