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Asset Rule Conditions & Actions

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The Conditions & Actions tab provides the ability to view and update the conditions and actions of asset rules.

Available operations:

  • View and update the fields of the asset rule
    • Fields available (editable unless otherwise noted)
      • Condition Asset Type – View the asset type of the conditions (e.g., Computer)
        NOTE: Only one asset type is supported and applies across all conditions.
      • Condition Join – View and edit the join operator of the conditions
        • AND – Match all conditions to trigger the actions
        • OR – Match any condition to trigger the actions
          NOTE: Only one join operator is supported in an asset rule.
      • Conditions – View, edit and define one or more conditions

        • Click the Add Condition button to add a new condition (row)
        • Join – The join operator selected above is displayed when more than one conditions is added
        • Operation – View and edit the operation of the condition
          • UPDATE – The update of an asset triggers the actions
          • CREATE – The creation of an asset triggers the actions
          • CREATE OR UPDATE – The creation or update of an asset triggers the actions
            NOTE: Only one condition operation is supported in an asset rule.
        • Asset Type – The condition asset type selected above is displayed
          NOTE: Only one asset type is supported and applies across all conditions.
        • Field – View, edit and select the field for the condition to match (e.g., Business Unit). If no field is selected, the condition will match on any field.
          NOTE: Multiline text fields are not available for the condition to match. All other field types are available.
        • Operator – View, edit and select the operator of the condition
          • Equal (=) – The selected field equals the selected value
          • Not Equal (!=) – The selected field does not equal the selected value
        • Any – View, edit and choose if the selected field matches on any value
        • Value – View, edit and select the value for the condition to match. If no value is selected, the condition will match on a blank value.
        • Delete – Delete a condition (row) before it is saved to the asset rule
      • Actions – View, edit and define one or more actions
        • Click the Add Action button to bring up the Add Action dialog
        • Enter the properties of the action and then click the Create button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
          • Operation – Select the operation of the action (required)
            • Different options are available depending on the operation of the action:
              • CRON – Run a cron job (Classic cron job)

                • Cron Job – Select the cron job to run (required)
              • DATA MAPPING – Run a data mapping (Mapping cron job)

                1. Data Mapping – Select the data mapping to run (required)
              • DELETE – Delete an asset or linked assets

                • Asset Type – Select the asset type to delete (required)
                  NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Linked asset types must be deleted before the asset type of the condition.
              • ETL – Run an inbound or outbound ETL job

                • Active Connection – Select the ETL connection of the job to run (required)
                • Job Type – Select the job type (Inbound, Outbound) (required)
                • Job – Select the job to run (required)
                • Map Asset Field – Asset field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
                  • Select Asset Field and Outbound Field pair for each asset field mapping
                    • Asset Field – Data column of the Condition Asset Type to map to the outbound field
                    • Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
                  • Click the Map Asset Field button to add asset fields mappings
                  • Click the Delete button to delete asset field mappings
                • Map Text Field – Text field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
                  NOTE: Use text field mappings to write text to an outbound field of the job (e.g., Computer %[name]% and model %[lu__computer_model]% scheduled for upgrade on %[scheduled_date]%).

                  • Enter Text and select Outbound Field pair for each text field mapping
                    • Text – Text to map to the outbound field
                      • Use drop down to add placeholders (e.g., %[scheduled_date]%)
                    • Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
                  • Click the Map Text Field button to add text fields mappings
                  • Click the Delete button to delete text field mappings
              • TASK CHAIN – Instantiate a task chain

                • Task Chain Template – Select the task chain template to instantiate (required)
                • Days Offset – Select the offset (in days) from when the action is triggered for the primary task in the task chain to start (required)
                • Wave – Select the wave to load the task chain into and link the asset to (optional)
              • T-COMM – Send an email

                • T-Comm Template – Select one or more T-Comm templates to email (required)
              • UPDATE – Update an asset

                • Asset Type – Select the asset type to update (required)
                  NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Different asset types can be selected for each UPDATE action.
                • Field – Select the field to update (required)
                  NOTE: Multiselect fields support the selection of multiple values.
                • Source – Select the source of the field to update (Manual, Outbound Job) (required)
                  NOTE: Lookups can only have a manual source. Outbound jobs are only available if the previous action runs an outbound ETL job.

                  1. Different options are available depending on the type of source:
                    1. Manual
                      1. Value – Select the value to update the field to. If no value is selected, UPDATE actions will write a blank value. (optional)
                    2. Outbound Job
                      1. Response Field – Select the response field of the outbound job to update the field to (required)
              • WAIT – Pause execution of asset rule

                • Duration – Enter duration in seconds between 1 and 1800 (required)
              • WAVE – Create a wave

                • Wave – Select the wave to create and link the asset to (required)
        • Added actions are displayed in the Actions section

          • Order – Change the order of the actions
          • EditEdit an action (row)
          • Delete – Delete an action (row)
    • The view and update functions are only available to users in the Administrator security group
  • Click the Delete All button to delete all conditions and actions
  • Click the Update button to save any changes to the fields
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard

Add Action

From the Asset Rules wizard, you can add actions to an asset rule. To add:

  1. Click the Add Action button to bring up the Add Action dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the action and then click the Create button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. Operation – Select the operation of the action (required)
      1. Different options are available depending on the operation of the action:
        1. CRON – Run a cron job (Classic cron job)

          1. Cron Job – Select the cron job to run (required)
        2. DATA MAPPING – Run a data mapping (Mapping cron job)

          1. Data Mapping – Select the data mapping to run (required)
        3. DELETE – Delete an asset or linked assets

          1. Asset Type – Select the asset type to delete (required)
            NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Linked asset types must be deleted before the asset type of the condition.
        4. ETL – Run an inbound or outbound ETL job

          1. Active Connection – Select the ETL connection of the job to run (required)
          2. Job Type – Select the job type (Inbound, Outbound) (required)
          3. Job – Select the job to run (required)
          4. Map Asset Field – Asset field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
            1. Select Asset Field and Outbound Field pair for each asset field mapping
              1. Asset Field – Data column of the Condition Asset Type to map to the outbound field
              2. Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
            2. Click the Map Asset Field button to add asset fields mappings
            3. Click the Delete button to delete asset field mappings
          5. Map Text Field – Text field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
            NOTE: Use text field mappings to write text to an outbound field of the job (e.g., Computer %[name]% and model %[lu__computer_model]% scheduled for upgrade on %[scheduled_date]%).

            1. Enter Text and select Outbound Field pair for each text field mapping
              1. Text – Text to map to the outbound field
                1. Use drop down to add placeholders (e.g., %[scheduled_date]%)
              2. Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
            2. Click the Map Text Field button to add text fields mappings
            3. Click the Delete button to delete text field mappings
        5. TASK CHAIN – Instantiate a task chain

          1. Task Chain Template – Select the task chain template to instantiate (required)
          2. Days Offset – Select the offset (in days) from when the action is triggered for the primary task in the task chain to start (required)
          3. Wave – Select the wave to load the task chain into and link the asset to (optional)
        6. T-COMM – Send an email

          1. T-Comm Template – Select one or more T-Comm templates to email (required)
        7. UPDATE – Update an asset

          1. Asset Type – Select the asset type to update (required)
            NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Different asset types can be selected for each UPDATE action.
          2. Field – Select the field to update (required)
            NOTE: Multiselect fields support the selection of multiple values.
          3. Source – Select the source of the field to update (Manual, Outbound Job) (required)
            NOTE: Lookups can only have a manual source. Outbound jobs are only available if the previous action runs an outbound ETL job.

            1. Different options are available depending on the type of source:
              1. Manual
                1. Value – Select the value to update the field to. If no value is selected, UPDATE actions will write a blank value. (optional)
              2. Outbound Job
                1. Response Field – Select the response field of the outbound job to update the field to (required)
        8. WAIT – Pause execution of asset rule

          1. Duration – Enter duration in seconds between 1 and 1800 (required)
        9. WAVE – Create a wave

          1. Wave – Select the wave to create and link the asset to (required)
  3. Added actions are displayed in the Actions section

    1. Order – Change the order of the fields
    2. EditEdit an action (row) before it is saved to the asset rule
    3. Delete – Delete an action (row) before it is saved to the asset rule

Edit Action

From the Asset Rules wizard, you can edit actions on an asset rule. To edit:

  1. Click the Edit button to bring up the Edit Action dialog
  2. Edit the properties of the action and then click the Update button. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. Operation – Select the operation of the action (required)
      1. Different options are available depending on the operation of the action:
        1. CRON – Run a cron job (Classic cron job)

          1. Cron Job – Select the cron job to run (required)
        2. DATA MAPPING – Run a data mapping (Mapping cron job)

          1. Data Mapping – Select the data mapping to run (required)
        3. DELETE – Delete an asset or linked assets

          1. Asset Type – Select the asset type to delete (required)
            NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Linked asset types must be deleted before the asset type of the condition.
        4. ETL – Run an inbound or outbound ETL job

          1. Active Connection – Select the ETL connection of the job to run (required)
          2. Job Type – Select the job type (Inbound, Outbound) (required)
          3. Job – Select the job to run (required)
          4. Map Asset Field – Asset field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
            1. Select Asset Field and Outbound Field pair for each asset field mapping
              1. Asset Field – Data column of the Condition Asset Type to map to the outbound field
              2. Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
            2. Click the Map Asset Field button to add asset fields mappings
            3. Click the Delete button to delete asset field mappings
          5. Map Text Field – Text field mappings of the job (Outbound only) (optional)
            NOTE: Use text field mappings to write text to an outbound field of the job (e.g., Computer %[name]% and model %[lu__computer_model]% scheduled for upgrade on %[scheduled_date]%).

            1. Enter Text and select Outbound Field pair for each text field mapping
              1. Text – Text to map to the outbound field
                1. Use drop down to add placeholders (e.g., %[scheduled_date]%)
              2. Outbound Field – Outbound field of the job
            2. Click the Map Text Field button to add text fields mappings
            3. Click the Delete button to delete text field mappings
        5. TASK CHAIN – Instantiate a task chain

          1. Task Chain Template – Select the task chain template to instantiate (required)
          2. Days Offset – Select the offset (in days) from when the action is triggered for the primary task in the task chain to start (required)
          3. Wave – Select the wave to load the task chain into and link the asset to (optional)
        6. T-COMM – Send an email

          1. T-Comm Template – Select one or more T-Comm templates to email (required)
        7. UPDATE – Update an asset

          1. Asset Type – Select the asset type to update (required)
            NOTE: The asset type of the condition and any linked asset types are available for selection. Different asset types can be selected for each UPDATE action.
          2. Field – Select the field to update (required)
            NOTE: Multiselect fields support the selection of multiple values.
          3. Source – Select the source of the field to update (Manual, Outbound Job) (required)
            NOTE: Lookups can only have a manual source. Outbound jobs are only available if the previous action runs an outbound ETL job.

            1. Different options are available depending on the type of source:
              1. Manual
                1. Value – Select the value to update the field to. If no value is selected, UPDATE actions will write a blank value. (optional)
              2. Outbound Job
                1. Response Field – Select the response field of the outbound job to update the field to (required)
        8. WAIT – Pause execution of asset rule

          1. Duration – Enter duration in seconds between 1 and 1800 (required)
        9. WAVE – Create a wave

          1. Wave – Select the wave to create and link the asset to (required)