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Inbound Jobs

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The Inbound Jobs tab provides the ability to manage inbound connection jobs.

Available operations:

  • Create new inbound jobs by clicking on the New Inbound Job button
  • View the inbound jobs associated with the connection
    • Columns available (available job fields differ by connector)
      • Id (hidden by default) – System Id of the job
      • Job Description – Description of the job
      • Execution Status – Status of the execution (None, Success, Error)
      • Job Schedule – Frequency the job will run (Weekly, Daily, Hourly, Custom)
      • Next Run – Date the job will next run
      • Status – Whether the job is enabled or disabled
      • Log Raw API Calls – Whether raw API calls are logged
      • Allow Empty Table (hidden by default) – Whether an empty table is allowed (Yes, No)
      • Destination Table – Name of the destination table (e.g., my_table_cm_computer)
      • Data Identity – Identity of the data for dashboards (e.g., cm_computer)
        • AD – Identity data to query from a table
      • CSV/JSON/XML File or Path (hidden by default) – CSV/JSON/XML file or path
      • Append Files to Same Destination Table – Choose if multiple files in the same path will append to the same destination table, or will create a new destination table for each file
      • Data Selection (hidden by default) – Connector specific data selection command of the job
      • Fields to Index (hidden by default) – Fields to index
      • Request Sort By (hidden by default) – Field to sort the job by (databases only)
      • Request Unique Key Field – Request unique key field of the job
      • Request Filter (hidden by default) – Fields to filter from the job
      • Data Node – Data node of the job
      • Method Type – Method type of the job (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
      • API End Point – API end point of the job
      • API Data Parameters (hidden by default) – API data parameters of the job
      • Body Data Sending Method – Method for sending the body data of the job (JSON Encoded Data, Form Data)
      • API Return Data Node – API return data node of the job
      • Pagination Type – Paging type of the job (Records, Pages, Next Record Node, Next Page Node)
      • API Pagination Node – API pagination node of the job (Next Page, Next Node)
      • Pagination Offset Start – Request paging offset start or data node of the job
      • Pagination Limit – Request pagination limit of the job
      • Pagination Termination Node – Pagination termination node of the job
      • Maximum API Calls – Limit of API calls that can be made by the job to avoid an endless loop
      • Enumeration 1 Type – Enumeration type of the job (API End Point, External Data, Other ETL Job)
      • Enumeration ETL Job – ETL job for the enumeration values of the job
      • Enumeration 1 Keys End Point (hidden by default) – Enumeration keys end point of the job
      • Enumeration 1 Node – Enumeration node of the job
      • Enumeration 1 Key – Enumeration key of the job
      • Enumeration 2 Type – Enumeration type of the job (API End Point, External Data, Other ETL Job)
      • Enumeration 2 Keys End Point – Enumeration keys end point of the job
      • Enumeration 2 Node – Enumeration node of the job
      • Enumeration 2 Key – Enumeration key of the job
      • Pause Enumeration – Pause enumeration every X calls for Y seconds
      • Kill Enumeration on Error – Choose if enumeration is stopped on an error
      • Order – Order the job should run
      • Connection Id (hidden by default) – System Id of the connection
      • Job Schedule Id (hidden by default) – System Id of the job schedule
  • Select and deselect all inbound jobs (rows) on the page by clicking the Select All or Deselect All buttons on the toolbar
  • Enable inbound jobs by selecting one or more jobs (rows) and clicking the Enable Job button on the toolbar
  • Disable inbound jobs by selecting one or more jobs (rows) and clicking the Disable Job button on the toolbar
  • Edit inbound jobs by selecting a job (row) and clicking the Edit Job button on the toolbar
  • Upload inbound job files by selecting a job (row) and clicking the Upload File button on the toolbar
    NOTE: The upload function is only available for connections with Manual File Upload.
  • Run inbound jobs by selecting a job (row) and clicking the Run Inbound Job button on the toolbar
  • Set runtime on inbound jobs to now by selecting one or more jobs (rows) and clicking the Set Runtime to Now button on toolbar
  • Reset inbound jobs by selecting one or more jobs (rows) and clicking the Reset Job button on the toolbar
  • Delete inbound jobs by selecting a job (row) and clicking the Delete Job button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text