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The Rationalization module provides a mechanism to consolidate multiple assets into a single asset. Typically, rationalization is used to consolidate multiple versions of an application into a single version but can be used for any asset type. To configure, add a Target Asset Name text or lookup alias data column to an asset type. For example, the data column Target Application Name was added to the Application asset type. Enter (or select) the Name of the target asset in the Target Asset Name field. In the example above, 7-Zip 16.02 x64 is defined as the Target Application Name of the four WinZip versions. A scheduled cron job rationalizes assets. Unrationalize assets to allow them to be rediscovered and revert to their original state. Configure rationalization setting on the Module Settings – Rationalization page. You can choose to move attachments, history, notes and images to the target asset after rationalization.

Rationalization Log

The Rationalization Log displays the assets that have been rationalized in ReadyWorks.

Available operations:

  • View the rationalization activity
    • Columns available
      • Asset Type – Asset type of the rationalized asset
        • Filter by asset type
      • Function – Function of the asset type (asset or list)
        • Filter by function
      • Source Asset – Name of the source asset
      • Target Asset – Name of the target asset
      • Source Links – Number of links to the source asset
      • Rationalized Links – Number of links added to the target asset
      • Timestamp – Date and time the rationalization activity occurred
  • Unrationalize assets by selecting an asset (row) and clicking the Unrationalize Asset button on the toolbar
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text

NOTE:  ReadyWorks Administrators can configure rationalization setting on the Module Settings – Rationalization page.

Unrationalize Asset

From the Rationalization Log tab, you can unrationalize assets. To unrationalize:

  1. Select an asset (row) to unrationalize

  1. Click the Unrationalize Asset button on the toolbar

    1. The unrationalize button is only visible when Enable Delete has been checked under Settings Options (top right corner of the UI)

    2. The unrationalize button is enabled (ungrayed out) when a list item (row) is selected

    3. The unrationalize function is only available to users in the Administrator and Regular User security groups
  2. Click the Unrationalize button to confirm the unrationalize operation. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.