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New Authentication Method

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From the Authentication Methods tab, you can create authentication methods. To create:

  1. Click the New Authentication Method button to bring up the New Authentication Method dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new authentication method

    1. Populate Authentication Record – Choose how to populate the authentication method (required)
      1. Clear Data – Start with an empty record
      2. Clone Authentication Method – Start with a clone from an existing authentication method
    2. Name – Name of the authentication method (required)
    3. Description – Description of the authentication method (optional)
    4. Script – Name of the authentication script (required)
      1. json_rest_api.php
        1. Authentication Fields – Authentication fields of the authentication method (optional)
        2. CURLOPT Settings – CURLOPT settings of the authentication method (optional)
        3. Header Values – API header values of the authentication method (optional)
        4. Data Values – API data values of the authentication method (optional)
          NOTE: These settings are only visible when POST Endpoint has been checked.
        5. Post Authorization CURLOPT Settings – Post authorization PHP CURLOPT settings of the authentication method (optional)
          NOTE: These settings are only visible when POST Endpoint has been checked.
        6. Post Authorization Header Values – API post authorization header values of the authentication method (optional)
          NOTE: These settings are only visible when POST Endpoint has been checked.
    5. Order – Order of the authentication method in the menu (optional)
    6. Enabled – Choose if the authentication method is enabled (required)
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the authentication method. You will be redirected back to the Authentication Methods tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. The new authentication method function is only available to users in the Administrator security group