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Connector Properties

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The Connector Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of connectors.

Available operations:

  • View and update the properties of the connectors
    • Fields available
      • Image Preview – Image to display in the Connector Library (optional)
        • Click the Change Image hyperlink and browse for an image to upload

        • Click the Update button to upload the image. Click the Clear Selected File hyperlink to clear the file and browse for a new image. Click the Cancel Changes hyperlink to cancel the operation.
      • Identifier – Identifier of the connector (read only)
      • Name – Name of the connector (required)
      • Description – Description of the connector (optional)
      • Help URL – Help URL of the connector (optional)
      • Order – Order the connector is displayed in the Connector Library (optional)
      • Enabled – Whether the connector is enabled (required)
      • Allow Upgrade – Whether the connector can be upgraded (required)
        NOTE: Locked connectors cannot be upgraded.
      • Job Types – Type of the jobs available for the connector (required)
        • Inbound Only
        • Outbound Only
        • Both Inbound and Outbound
    • The view and update functions are only available to users in the Administrator security group
  • Click the Update button to save any changes to the properties
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard